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Nature and Mankind

Nowadays more and more attention is being paid all over the world to the protection of man’s environment on which human existence depends. By environment it meant those natural things that surrounds us-such as the Earth’s atmosphere, healthy air and drinkable water. Thus, protecting the environment means keeping nature’s gifts to mankind in as good and natural in condition as it is in our nature.

Man is in mad race for development, expansion and growth, is fraught with grave consequences for mankind. The chemical being produced and marketed for various purposes are proving useful to modern civilization, particularly in the manufacturing of weapons, households etc.But their adverse effect on the environment can hardly be lost.

Negligence is the main cause for all kinds of pollution. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of marine litter comes from land. plastic is polluting oceans, impacting our biodiversity and adversely affects human health. But it is our throwaway culture that has allowed this to happen. This pollution comes mainly from household waste, which is poorly recycled, dumped in landfills or abandoned in nature. This waste is carried by the winds, pushed by the rains into sewers, streams, rivers and finally into the oceans.

The problems of environment were jeopardizing the development of mankind. It is , therefore, essential that every country should have department of the environment, a government department which would be responsible for land planning, construction of industries, transportation, preservation of public amenities,control on air and water pollution, the protection of the coast and the countryside. So its better to follow 4 R’s , that are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Re-purpose which are known as the four R’s in green living. Avoid plastic carriage bags, plastic bottles and utensils. Paper carry bag manufacturing is a very good livelihood project with social reverence. In India, bagmaster is giving training , machines and materials as a social entrepreneur . Let’s save our nature and save ourselves from pollution and remember that “ we only have one home to stay”.

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Bioway Packs Private Limited Ground Floor, KSSIA Building, Association Municipal Industrial Estate, Kodimatha, Kottayam Town, Kottayam, Kerala, 686013

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10:00 am - 05:00 pm

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